Meta (Facebook) Ads or Google Ads?


To know which one to choose to start promoting your business, you need to know what your goal is with this campaign and the type of product you offer.



Why Google Ads?


It is an “inbound” medium. What does this mean? What customers come to you.


By advertising in google ads, your company can show every time the user searches for your product or service.


In addition, in Search campaigns you only pay if your ads are clicked, attracting users to your website who have searched for something related to your product or service.



Why Meta Ads?


It is an "outbound" medium. What does this mean? Ads based on interest or behavioral targeting are displayed while browsing Facebook, Instagram or within the Audience Network.



Both media are complementary and current in different phases of the Customer Journey Map, being equally important within the strategy.


But if you don't have enough budget to work with both from the beginning and need to choose one to start with, then my suggestion is this:


For high purchasing value products, product catalogues, varied services or circumstantial use products use Google Ads.


For products or services with strong visual appeal, short life cycle, high demand, and/or uncompetitive price, use Meta Ads.






Customer A sells auto parts in an ecommerce with more than thousands of products. Google Ads was the recommended option to start with. In this way we were able to show a specific ad for a particular piece when a user searched for it.


Client B sells necklaces, bracelets and fashion accessories but does not have the best price on the market, although they do have good product photos and reels. Meta Ads was the best option to start with as products appear to users based on their interests and/or behavior, even when they were not searching for these products. As the user is not searching, he may make the purchase, even at the highest price, since he is not looking for alternatives.



Whether you choose Google Ads or Meta Ads it is important to understand that there are many factors that affect the amount of results that can be obtained. Some of these factors are the creatives, newsrooms, the website, the type of campaign chosen, analysis of results and optimizations.




We hope that these tips have been useful to start or optimize your Meta and Google Ads campaigns. For more information you can visit our agency, here: