Do you know the new tool to create a customer persona or buyer persona?


A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, created from market research and data from existing customers. The creation of the buyer person provides structure and context to your company. This makes it easier to design the content. But beware, there is not always a single buyer persona, but there is at least one. The more you have, the more targeted the communication will be.


To create a buyer persona:


-Research and gather information about the type of customer you want to target. It is best to use a combination of demographic, behavioral, and psychographic information. To collect the data, you can use surveys, interviews, databases, or even your CRM.



-Learn about the particular needs and objectives of your potential buyers; think authentically.



-Create your buyer personas by combining both types of information to create an accurate reflection of your users.



-Finally, relate your buyer personas to your products or services and identify how these become the solution they need.



Start creating your buyer persona with hubspot